About this Website
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Boy Scout Chris Bell (on right in red) and fellow Scout Douglas Connell (on left in grey), in front of new informational kiosk Chris designed and built as part of his Eagle Scout project.
Original Website Project
This website was originally developed in 2015 for the Town of Clifton Park by Christopher Bell, a Boy Scout with Troop 45 in Clifton Park, as part of his Eagle Scout project for the town.
It was the Chris’ hope that people in the Clifton Park community would find this a useful resource and that it would further promote public use of the Town’s wonderful parks and preserves.
In addition to this website, Chris made several improvements to the Dwaas Kill Nature Preserve, including designing and building a new informational kiosk, marking walking trails in the preserve, and installing safety signs where the preserve borders railroad tracks.
If you visit Clifton Park’s many parks and preserves, you will see almost all of them have benefited from Boy Scout projects.
Website Design
This website was developed using WordPress and the EcoNature theme by CMS Masters.
Picture Credits
Front page header images:
- Chipmunk, Pixabay.com, used under CCO public domain license
https://pixabay.com/en/chipmunk-eating-log-ground-furry-948997/ - Vischer Ferry Whipple Bridge, Chris Bell, 2015
- Children holding hands, under standard license, Shutterstock.com
- Family in woods, under standard license, Shutterstock.com
Front page, photos below:
- Girl looking through binoculars, Chris Bell, 2015
- Snowshoeing, under standard license, Shutterstock.com
- Jogger, Pixabay, used under CCO public domain license
https://pixabay.com/en/jogger-leisure-recovery-jog-run-515665/ - Walker, under standard license, Shutterstock.com
Pictures on each Location page – Chris Bell, 2015, except:
- Dwaas Kill Preserve – Wood Duck – with permission of Dan Graber
- Dwaas Kill Preserve – Eastern Brook Trout – with permission of David Herasimtschuk / Freshwaters Illustrated
- Dwaas Kill Preserve – Sassafras tree – under GNU public license, Wikimedia.org