Clifton Park’s 24th Farm Fest is this Weekend

Clifton Park’s 24th Farm Fest is this Weekend


The 24th annual celebration of farming in Clifton Park is a self-guided tour for a weekend of fun for the whole family.  The event is this weekend, Saturday, September 17, and Sunday, September 18, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.  The activities include farm tours, apple picking, hayrides, animals, horse rides, country food and music.  Selected events begin at 8 a.m.

Venues include the Double B Farms, 206  Vischer Ferry Road, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both days, for horse riding and jumping demonstrations and self-guided tours of the farm; meeting sheep and llamas at the Shepherd’s Hey Farm, 43 Riverview Road, on both days, afternoons; miniature horse rides and free tractor-pulled hayrides at Predel’s Ranch, 59 Garnsey Road; hayrides and pick your own apples, and live music and more at Riverview Orchards at 660 Riverview Road.

For more information see